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MUS - National Museum

In 1802, Count Ferenc Széchényi offered his rich collection to the nation to establish the Hungarian National Museum. Those days, the collection comprised 11884 prints, 1156 manuscripts, 142 books, maps and copperplates. The collection first was placed in the Pauline monastery in Pest. The Diet of 1807 nationalized the institute and called upon the nation to donate to the new Museum. The construction works of the National Museum began in 1837 and finished ten years later, creating a final location in Budapest to accomodate the always growing collection.

The Museum played a significant role in the events the revolution in 1848 and 1849. On 15th March, 1848, the Museum's garden was an important scene of the revolution, where, according to the traditions, Sándor Petőfi recited the National Song. From 1848 on, the Museum has become the symbol of the national freedom, and the national commemorations day of 1848 is held in front of the Museum.

The Museum in our days strive to introduce history, science and arts, while their main goal is being at the service of the public. Today this place is not only a temple of science and arts, but a vital organ of education, which teaches and entertains at the same time. However, it is not easy to keep its status as a scientific workshop at the same time, so that its important tasks related to research and protecting relics would not suffer neglect.

In the Hungarian National Museum you can learn a little more of the country's history, it's creation and evolution to what it is today, just as you see it. Understand in a deeper way, why everything is like it is here. Come and visit, it is worth it.





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