Tivoli Incoming Europe
Outdoor Indoor Ideas

Flying adventures

It is a unique experience to be able to see Budapest and it's surroundings from the sky. Comparing it to the normal airplane flights is not possible, since in those ocasions, the heights is much more, the windows of the planes are small and not everyone can take a look down below.

You can choose between the view of the city itself, the Danube bend or the hills of Buda. But not only the location can be selected, but the "flying vehicles" as well.

We offer small motor planes for 2-3 people, for 4-5 people and 19 people a well. You can also choose a PO-2 two-lidded veteran plane. There is a possibility of flying with glider planes, one with motor or one without it, as well as hot aired baloons.

These ways of flying last different amount of time, since their velocity is different as well. From them, you can have a magnificent view and have nice time with your companions. This is the best way to see the city and it's surroundings, since you get to see everything as a whole, and not part by part.





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