Tivoli Incoming Europe
Outdoor Indoor Ideas

Puszta Picnic

Cook, consume and enjoy! Not only the food, but also the location will be like in the really traditional hungarian farm households. Imagine a picnic in some open-air green zone, where even the smells and noises take you back in time, to when shepperds and hungarian cowboys, the "csikósok" used to live in this lands. After a hard day work, they would arrive home and eat some traditional food, like the "Gulyás" or the "Paprikás", which mean a soup or a stew flavoured with paprika and other typical spices, in which one could find meat, pasta or vegetables.

The reason of this program is not only to experince what the life for these people meant, where they lived and what they ate, but also to learn these things in a much deeper way. The guests have the opportunity to learn to prepare these typical meals being guided by professional chefs, appart from only eating them.

There are possibilities to unite this program with other, a little modified games, where the main objective for each group would be to collect the assigned ingredients and arrive with them to the final location, the farmhouse. Every participant should be carefull, since the meal could only be perfect if they do not forget anything. If it happens, don't panic, the event will not be ruined, since the chefs have all the knowledge to adapt the recipes to the current situations.

Here, the result depends on the guests, altough there is no need to worry, nothing can ruin a special and traditional meal in an even more typical and magnificent location.





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